"I scare me."

Apr 30, 2007 22:35



Sylar is Nathan!

Ando is dead! Hiro became badass to try to save him! And then future!Hiro died. *whimper*

"Go talk to yourself." "I scare me."

Hiro + Ando = BFF4EVA! ♥ ♥ ♥

Peter fulfills his hotass potential, but he really needs to wash his hair. And he can survive a nuclear detonation.

Niki obviously masters Jessica.

Man, Sylar!Nathan with Claire was uber-creepy, before he killed her. Did Mama Petrelli not know that wasn't her son?

I did not like Claire's boyfriend. He was icky looking and untrustworthy.

*hearts Bennet*

He and Parkman running a mutant protection program for 'the harmless ones' = awesome, but then Parkman had to go and be a douche about it and kill Bennet and that other chick.

Mohinder grows a brain *and* a spine. Amazing!

What an awesome ride! I enjoyed that so much!


Final Notations

it will not be simple, it will not be long
it will take little time, it will take all your thought
it will take all your heart, it will take all your breath
it will be short, it will not be simple

it will touch through your ribs, it will take all your heart
it will not be long, it will occupy your thought
as a city is occupied, as a bed is occupied
it will take all your flesh, it will not be simple

You are coming into us who cannot withstand you
you are coming into us who never wanted to withstand you
you are taking parts of us into places never planned
you are going far away with pieces of our lives

it will be short, it will take all your breath
it will not be simple, it will become your will

~Adrienne Rich


"Final Notations" is one of my all-time favorite poems, and I figured I'd end with it.

All the poetry I've posted this month can be found here (past years are here and here, though this is the first time I managed the whole month), and the poetry I post randomly during the rest of the year can be found here (though soon I might have to start breaking that up because of stupid LJ's last 100-post rule for tags. Who thought that was a smart idea? I mean, seriously?).

I enjoyed picking a poem every day to post, and I read a lot of new-to-me poets in the course of doing so, and found a lot of inspiration in the way they use words and images with such clarity and control. *is envious*


My stomach is still rebelling, but I managed to highlight my hair, and I hope to get some writing done tonight before going to bed at a reasonable hour. Heh. I wish I'd taken tomorrow off too. I don't want to get up early and go to work! I want to stay home and write fic. Sigh.


national poetry month 2007, tv: heroes

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