let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late

Mar 26, 2007 22:18

I can't get iTunes to load. I rebooted. I tried to reinstall with the repair installation, but it's still giving me some kind of wacky runtime error, so now I am removing it completely and hoping that a clean reinstall will work. even if it means having to reimport all my music. I swear to god, technology hates me.

Speaking of evil machines, I finally caught up on Battlestar Galactica.

Oh wow, Ron Moore is really smoking the bad crack huh?


Seriously? I mean, seriously?

So the Cylons have been to earth as well?

Otoh, I totally called Tigh as one of the final five in one of jennyo's polls a while back, just because it would be awesomely fucked up.

Also Anders! Is a Cylon! This means that we could all have one. I approve! I want an Anders of my own, yes, please.

I wonder if Tyrol and Boomer were supposed to be some kind of Cylon ubercouple and that plan got frakked. Hmm...

What these episodes had was too much Adama manpain and not NEARLY enough of Six, Roslin, and Athena being badass together. Come on! Seriously! You can never go wrong with too much Six. This I believe.

That being said, I did kind of enjoy Lee's Mr. Smith Goes to Washington moment on the witness stand.

Helo remains awesome.

And the real reason I tuned in, because I was assured that Starbuck would be returning. And lo, my tv girlfriend reappeared in the nebula to lead the fleet back to earth.

No matter what, man, I *heart* Starbuck. She is one fucked up mess of a woman, and she knows it, and that pleases me.


In other sucktacular news, my bathroom ceiling was leaking again this evening. I sat down to watch BSG and heard the unmistakable plink plink plink of water hitting porcelain from a great height.

And the reinstall of iTunes did not work either. Christ on a crutch, I hate this shit.

I took tomorrow off, ostensibly to do my taxes, but more because I have some carryover vacation days I will lose if I don't use them by March 31, and I'd like to use at least one before then. Sigh.


technology is not my friend, wtf?, tv: bsg

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