have we got an army? we'll teach you to act like a man.

Jan 29, 2007 00:29

I was attempting to edit a story and IM with luzdeestrellas while watching TV tonight and I am the world's worst multitasker, because I basically cannot do anything with the television on anymore so I have very little to say about tonight's TV.



Oh, Vorenus, why so stupid, throwing Pullo's love away?

Ooh, Lyde finds Pullo and tells him the children are alive and Pullo hauls ass to Mutina. Oh, boys. *hearts*

Battlestar Galactica

WTF Baltar?

Though I wouldn't mind waking up to four Sixes, and I don't even dig chicks. Tricia Helfer bends my straight.

Man, Lee is a jerk.

You know, I think the reason I don't mind Kara's bitchitude so much is that she's always been a fuckup and a jerk, and she knows it, but Lee thinks he's better than that, and obviously, he's not.

Hee! Is Baltar floating in Lee's Metaphorical Lake o'Manpain?

I would rather shoot myself in the face than watch this Lee/Kara crapple. I enjoyed their angstorama when they weren't hurting other people, but now they're not just being dicks to each other but to Dee and Anders as well.

I would like an Anders of my own please.

"Kara Thrace and the Special Destiny. Sounds more like a bad cover band, Sam." is an awesome line.

Baltar is pwning Gaeta. And now Gaeta is pwning Baltar. Apparently Gaeta is a Cylon.

As I was distracted, I'm not sure what I thought of either show, really. I do have them both on the DVR, though, so I could maybe rewatch.


There was fic this afternoon, about Kat from "Asylum":

Thou Unknown I Know
Supernatural; Kat; pg; 820 words
The more she thinks about it, the more she knows she can't just pretend she doesn't know.


Now I have porn to write, or luzdeestrellas will hurt me.


tv: rome, tv: bsg

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