depends what your definition of is, is

Jan 27, 2007 13:38

I was just gonna run out to Dunkin Donuts for a doughnut and coffee, but then I spoke to fleurdeleo and now we're going to the diner for lunch. Mmm...diner... That's one of my favorite things about this neighborhood--there are five diners all in (short) walking distance, and I think all of them are open 24/7.

So one of the Friday Five thingers this week was something about nitpicks and things that really irritate in fanfic (or something? I didn't go read the question again), and I can't answer because I have way more than five, but here is one that's been bugging me lately, because otherwise smart people make this mistake, and I wish they wouldn't.

If you are capitalizing the title of your story according to the standard rules of story capitalization (which, let's face it, we don't always do - I'm as guilty as anyone of pretentious wankery with lowercasing my titles), verbs are capitalized. This means *is* and *was* and *have* and *be* all get capped.

The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter
Let It Be
I Have Gone Out
We Were Soldiers Once

They're tiny verbs, but they're still verbs, and every time I see someone lowercase an "is" in a story title, I make this little broken whimpering sound, remembering the time at one job where we had to reprint a whole truckload of fundraising materials because someone hadn't capped the "is" in the program's title, and it was just wrong, and the materials couldn't be used.

And I have to run now, so here endeth the lesson.


writing: spag, writing: on titles & summaries

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