go on, take the money and run

Jan 16, 2007 11:17

There was fic last night! I finished something! Woo! *does little chair dance of I finished a story* I was starting to wonder if I ever would again.

Fifteen Percent Concentrated Power of Will
Supernatural/Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Dean/Faith, Sam; adult; 2,898 words
spoilers through "Hunted" for SPN, post-"Chosen" for BtVS
In which Dean and Faith fuck, and Sam has an existential crisis.

This story hung a left somewhere when Sam hijacked it. It was supposed to be a Dean/Faith... I'm hesitant to say romance, because the ending was always what the ending is - not that they're couple-y, but that the possibility is there - but it was supposed to be more about finding someone who could be there with Dean without being there 24/7, something that he could have and count on, but not be completely overtaken by, because he has other concerns.

luzdeestrellas and I were talking last night about why a love interest for Dean seems more problematic than one for Sam, and I think it's totally the mommy problem. Dean is very clearly slotted in a maternal role for a large part of Sam's life, and for Dean, Sam always is and has to be the center of his attention. It's hard to fit someone else in who requires more than cursory attention when all of Dean's energy goes towards Sam. It's no coincidence that the one girl we know Dean was willing to open up to came along while Sam was away, and Dean was more or less at loose ends, emotionally.

Which, of course, is one reason I think there are great possibilities even in canon* for a short-term Dean/Ellen hookup. Because Ellen's got her own priorities and agendas, which may sometimes overlap with Dean's, and sometimes may not, but she'd understand that Sam comes first, because for her, Jo comes first. It's just... I'm not saying it's healthy for Dean, or a great way for him to be, or that he can't or shouldn't eventually emerge from it, but I think for the duration of the series, no one else - not even John while he was around - is going to command Dean's attention and energy the way Sam does, so a typical television romance is going to be hard to bend around that.

Whereas Sam can and did (and probably will again) have outside interests, focus his attention on someone other than Dean, though I think that's shifted somewhat, given the way Sam's dedicating himself to hunting this season, and how he's tried to care for Dean while Dean grieves. But Sam has always had more freedom than Dean, and he's been shown to have already had a successful long-term relationship (aside from the big huge honking LIE of omission he fed Jess), which is a good indication that he can/will probably have one again.


Anyway. Sam hijacked my Dean/Faith story with his existential crisis, which made it much harder to write, but of course Sam's issues are going to be more important to Dean at this juncture than random hot chick, even if she does turn out to be a vampire slayer. I do like how the story turned out, in the end, but it wasn't the story I was expecting when I started out.


I cannot get "Gold Digger" out of my head. I've been singing it for three days now. Even listening to it repeatedly hasn't sent it away. Sigh.


Work is going to be crazy this week with the packing and the moving and the convincing people they can let go of documents from 1986, no really, it's okay, and no, honestly, nobody's going to be looking for a UPS receipt from 2001.

I just want to go home and go back to bed. I know that's not possible, but oh god, I'd like this whole move thing to be over and done. I don't mind moving, really, but the process itself makes me want to weep.

So that's where you come in. This is where we play the title game, wherein you give me a title, and I tell you what that story is about. Last time we played this, I ended up writing Tending to Grace, which is one of my best and most favoritest of my own stories, so who knows where it will lead?

So, you drop a potential story title in the comments and I tell you what that story is about, capiscete?

*not that I think canon will go there, but I think it easily could.


writing: my stories, writing: memes, characterization, memes, dean winchester, canon analysis, sam winchester, writing: on titles & summaries

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