i'm in some hellish hold world of holding

Jan 05, 2007 16:22

OMG logistics of community management on LJ! Who knew it was so complex!? I've been reduced to using the interrobang to communicate my feelings of utter WTF, LJ?! Why you gotta make things so hard!? at learning all sorts of things I've learned this afternoon.

And that's not even going into the meeting I attended for work about the office move we're doing this month - a meeting to which I was not actually invited but which, shockingly enough, I am glad I attended, because now I know exactly what's ahead of me in the next two weeks, and it's not pretty. But at least I know. [Fill in your preferred cliche here.]

So let's talk about writing instead. In particular, let's talk about POV. I started a story this morning, a story I'd had an idea (and a title!) for for a few weeks, with a bit of an IM conversation pasted into a Word doc to remind me, and this morning I found myself with the actual beginning of the story in my head, so I started writing, and then I reached the end of the first section, and wanted to switch POV.

Which is something that, the longer I write, the less often I do. I believe I've mentioned before about how I am really attached to single-POV stories these days, that I feel they hold the reader closer and allow a much tighter emotional focus.

I'm still sitting here, hours (and meetings, and many remix comments) later with two sentences written in a second POV, unable to decide if that's really *necessary* to tell this story. I mean, I could write it, get a few more sentences in, and realize it is (or it's not), or it could take a lot longer to realize it's not working, and I should have just stuck to the original POV character. And as I sometimes do when faced with too many intriguing choices, I'm kind of paralyzed and can't choose.

Keep in mind, this isn't a particularly plotty story that would require multiple POVs because characters are in different places or know different things or anything like that. It's a pretty bog-standard angsty character piece, so having the second POV feels off to me, even though it's where my gut apparently wanted to go with this story.

I'm over-thinking again, aren't I? I need to stop doing that.


writing: neuroses, writing: pov

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