Title: The Unloosen'd Ocean
Author: victoria p. [victoria @ unfitforsociety.net]
Summary: Megan doesn't cry when she gets the news.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Fontana's and Levinson's and NBC's.
Notes: Thanks to
luzdeestrellas and
vaznetti for betaing. All remaining errors are mine. Written for
erinpoetchica in the 2006
yuletide exchange. Set during the season five finale. Title from Walt
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Yes. That happens in canon.
femslash and a canon I'm almost entirely unfamiliar with? I'm only reading this *because* you wrote it, and I trust your writing to not waste my time.
Hee! Thank you. I appreciate it more than I can say.
the red ink of the pen writing the name of the dead
I wish I could take credit for that, but that's canon. Unsolved murders go on the board in red, solved ones go on in black. Changing the names from red to black is a big deal on the show.
I liked that what these two needed - and in the end, accepted - from each other was hugs, not sex. To this reader, that read more realistic than the sex-in-place-of-hugs that I would expect from two guys.
*nod nod*
I'm glad that worked for you. I think it's the only way to make this pairing believable, especially in this time frame - that they wouldn't really be able to connect that way, that it would just be some kind of physical solace-seeking.
it makes me wonder if I have time to find some copies of canon and watch them.
Well, the first two seasons are very short - only 12 episodes altogether, I think, and the third and fourth seasons are pretty fabulous too. I highly, highly recommend it. One of the best shows television has ever produced.
it was the title that gave you away for me.
heh. I am kind of obvious in many ways.
Thank you for the lovely feedback! I'm so glad you liked the story, especially if it isn't something you'd normally have read. *g*
- hg
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