
Dec 19, 2007 16:37

I'm being pissy and snappy, something I'm perfectly aware of and I can't bring myself to do something about it.
Unfortunately it gets worse in accordance with how far this week stretches. Which seems to be infinitly.

The AT week at school is a complete mess because our math teacher is sick and she was supposed to be the, how'd'you say, voice of reason and control.
But no, instead she's sick and we have creepy, shiver inducing Paul with his fly open and shitty way of explaining things. So none of us have a clue about what we're even supposed to be doing other than the fact we have to turn in our product of this wonderful week tomorrow.

No one is getting enough sleep and everybody wants vacation, like, now. So no mood is rather tense. I'm in a group with Tilde, Lizzie and Katrine R of which Lizzie is going nazi and controlling (I have half a mind to slap her silly), Katrine has gotten sick (which isn't her fault. But it's still damn unfortunate) and Tilde is reasonable most of the time, but she gets bitchy and snappy too when things don't turn out right (her definition and right).
And me? Well, like I said: I'm being snappy and my jokes might have a bit more bite than usually.

And New Years is just pfft. Mr. Boat and Lou are the flakiest people on earth. First they want to do something all of us, and I think okay then, that's a deal. But then it isn't cause a slightly smaller non-furniture breaking party with no hoards of people throwing up at my place just isn't good enough.
So instead they're going to show up some of the time and then go to another party.
Maybe I should tell them just not to bother then.

And I'm sick and fucking tired of being in love with sodding Simon.

Fuck it all.

My mom is making pancakes to cheer me up and I'm still in a bad mood. I just can't win.

Okay, pancakes and cussing my friends out to my parents helped. I'm feeling okay now :)

school, days, annoying!things, new years, grrr!, homework

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