May 20, 2007 23:46
'Ep 'ey everybody.
Very sober weekend this one.
Wednesday tall-one crashed at my place 'cause he was at a party in the neighborhood and we were spending thursday together anyways.
I think he might have said 'I love you' but
1) I didn't hear him perfectly.
2) He said it in English.
3) He either said 'we love you' or 'me love you'
4) He was a bit drunk.
So I didn't say it back. I want him to be serious if he chooses to say it. He should say it in Danish, when he's sober and with proper grammar.
Am I being too demanding?
Thursday night Kristin came over.
Friday I went to Blondie's(a guy friend) place to watch dvd's with Jose and Duck('nother guy friend).
Saturday I got thoroughly annoyed with Lou', I think I'll steer clear of her for awhile. So I don't accidentally blow up on her. Even if she's clueless and selfish and unknowingly hurts me sometimes.
Saturday night I went to the cinema with the guy I met at the last school party (Red) to see if he was friend material.
We saw Zodiac.
The movie was awesome.
The guy doesn't interest me at all. Really.
Today I chilled and went for a run.
Please comment on the tall-one thing?