Name: You Were Born A Dancer
Prompt: Stand Alone
Genre: Humour?
Characters: Alice Briggs, Rabastan Lestrange, Frank Longbottom, Rosalind Bungs (mentioned) - Anti-Frank/Alice fic
Rating: PG
Word Count: 389
Summary: Frank went to the Yule Ball with Rosalind, but Alice doesn't care.
“Poor Rosalind. She doesn’t look like she’s enjoying herself, does she?”
Rabastan and Alice twirled around the outside of the dance floor. Rabastan didn’t reply.
“I know you don’t care about any of this but I’m going to say it anyway.”
Rabastan looked down at the Hufflepuff briefly and said, “Go on then.”
“I’m not going to go on about Frank. I really can’t be bothered with it.”
They span through to the centre of the dance floor. Alice raised her eyebrows at Rabastan’s footwork.
“You were born a dancer, you know.”
“I know.”
“I thought you might.”
The music built to a crescendo. Suddenly Alice was no longer on her feet. She was being swirled around in circle in the air. A moment later, Rabastan dropped her neatly onto her toes again and continued to dance around the room.
“Well, that was… that was…” She took a deep breath.
“Breath-taking?” There was the slightest hint of a smirk in his voice, although it did not convey into his expression.
“Quite,” she said, exhaling.
The song drew to a close. With one final turn, Rabastan released Alice and nodded.
“Thanks for that, Lestrange, I appreciate it. Although” - she went up on her tip toes and peered over his shoulder - she could see Rosalind sitting at a table on her own - “I think Rosa would appreciate it a lot more than me.”
“Indeed,” he turned and tilted his head at the short Gryffindor sitting alone. She wasn’t half bad looking.
“Ahem.” Alice turned around to see Frank eyeing up her dress. Rabastan turned as well, he was only curious.
“Enjoying yourself?” Frank asked, glancing at the Lestrange for a moment.
“Yes, thank you,” Alice replied with a small smile.
“I’m sorry I didn’t ask you to come with me. I didn’t think you’d want -”
“ -Like that’s a valid excuse,” Alice cut in. “I’m glad I didn’t go with you,” she continued, hands on hips, “Rabastan can actually dance.” With a triumphant smile, she turned back to Rabastan, thanked him for a wonderful evening and went to bed happy.
The corner of Rabastan’s mouth twitched but he did not smile. He took a step forward and patted the Gryffindor on the shoulder.
“That was hilarious.”
“What was?” Frank asked sourly.
“You were just owned by a Hufflepuff.”