LL Bingo Prompt #25 - Mind over heart

Dec 28, 2012 20:07

Title: Mind Over Heart
Rating: PG
Characters: Kahlan/Richard

Mind Over Heart (PG)
Sometimes it was more of a burden than something wonderful. Loving Richard had its prices and some of them were higher than others. He would have to go for long periods of time, they'd have to be Lord Rahl and The Mother Confessor in public instead of showing affection. But for her, this was the worst of it. Putting her confessor duty over him. Sitting in the council chambers being the confessor they expect was easy. But making choices that forced her to push him aside for the better of everyone was a rotten thing to have to do. And sometimes, she knew those choices would hurt him, or be something he wouldn't want done.

There had been times when she'd had to put him forward to do tasks that were less than pleasant. Even sending him away to sort out issues was hard, but they had to be done. There were times Richard would talk about getting away, take up a quiet life in the mountains, or more often the forests. He would tell her about the forests he used to roam in Westland, paint a mental picture of a spot he remembers where they could build their own house, right next to a river. She wished they could do it, but their duty here and their compassion for others kept them in the midlands. Kept them making those horrible choices - their minds over their hearts.

creation: fanfiction, fandom: legend of the seeker, raiting: pg, pairing: kahlan/richard

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