That hilarious meme thingy.

Mar 23, 2010 11:58

Step 1: List 10 of your characters.
Step 2: Answer these questions!

So like...I put my ten in a randomizer so I wouldn't try to screw with the results. Also tried to put as many of my MALES in there as I can while still keeping the fandoms relatively even, cause I don't have many of them.

01: Ruby (Supernatural) - bloodinmyear (and various other journals cause I'm obsessed)
02: Lana Lang (Smallville/DC Comics) - horsewoman_lana / barista_red
03: Sam Montgomery (A Cinderella Story) - latefor_reality
04: Mack Hartford (Power Rangers Operation Overdrive) - imnot_important
05: Conner McKnight (Power Rangers Dino Thunder) - nwureunconscous
06: Raya (Smallville) - zonerofvirtue
07: Dean Winchester (Supernatural) - ihadafunnyhat
08: Lois Lane (Smallville/DC Comics) - gensdaughter
09: Ellen Harvelle (Supernatural) - motherhunter
10: Kira Ford (Power Rangers Dino Thunder) - melodiousyellow

Four invites Three and Eight to dinner at their house. What happens?
Mack invites Sam and Lois to dinner. Um...that's...I don't even know what that is. Mack would probably spend the whole time charming the crap out of Sam, while Lois excuses herself and snoops around the dwelling of a known Power Ranger. Later, Spencer (the butler) would come to him and say something like, "Master Mack, I would advise you to remove your guest from the command center before your father tears his hair from his head."

Nine tries to get Five to go to a strip club. How?
Ellen...tries to get Conner...? REALLY? My guess is he was checking out Jo and she told him where he could go to do that sort of thing. And he probably ran away as fast as he could because Ellen is scary.

Three falls in love with Six, Eight is jealous. What happens?
Sam falls for Raya, Lois is jealous. It...breaks my brain. It does.

Four jumps you in a dark alleyway. Who comes to your rescue, Ten, Two or Seven?
Mack jumps me in a dark alley, and it's up to Kira, Lana and Dean to save me. Mack's probably just giving me a monster hug, so nobody's saving me, especially not Kira. She knows how he is. Lana and Dean are probably...uh...hunting? One can hope.

One decides to start a cooking show. Fifteen minutes later, what is happening?
Ruby starts a cooking show. Fifteen minutes later...either everything's on fire, or the audience is complaining that everything tastes like sulfur horrible.

Three has to marry either Eight, Four or Nine. Whom do they choose?
Sam has to marry Lois, Mack or Ellen. She's definitely going for Mack.

Seven kidnaps Two and demands something from Five for Two's release. What is it?
Dean kidnaps Lana and demands something from Conner. Conner says he KNEW Dean was crazy and tries to save Lana. Thanks to his superspeed, he does! ...only to be knocked out by Lana, who promptly steals whatever it is they were after.

Dude, that is so crack.

Everyone gangs up on Three, does Three have a chance in hell?
Sam's gonna die.

Everyone is invited to Two and Ten's wedding, except for Eight. How do they react?
Ruby and Kira. Well, I'd say I couldn't see it, but...maybe? Lois isn't invited. Lois isn't very fond of either of them, so she doesn't mind at all.

Why is Six afraid of Seven?
Because Dean ate...wait. I can't see Raya being afraid of Dean for any reason. Dean Winchester is NOT a scary thing to a Kryptonian woman. Unless there's Kryptonite around and he thinks she's some evil something or other.

Five and Nine get roaring drunk and end up in your house. What happens?
Conner and Ellen. OH GOD. He's getting his butt kicked, and I'm staying FAR, FAR AWAY.

Nine murders Two's best friend. What does Two do to get back at them?
Ellen kills Lana's best friend. Who that best friend is would depend on the verse, but I foresee more murder.

Six and One are in mortal danger, only one of them can survive. Does Six save herself or One?
Raya saves Ruby. That's just how she rolls.

Two and Three go camping. For some reason they forget to bring any food. What do they do?
Lana and Sam go camping and forget to bring food. Lana goes back to the house to get it, cause she prepared beforehand and just forgot to load it up. Plus I doubt they went far.

[meme] questions for 10 characters

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