
Jun 12, 2003 19:59

I hate looking forward to something and then having to cancel.
I understand why (to some degree, and I don't want to invalidate it) and so I'm not going to totally bitch & moan, but I could've stayed out for a long time. Longer than usual anyway.

Ooooh, well.

Tonight, I paint, sing, and probably play guitar!
Whoo hoo!

Speaking of singing, I had my second official voice lesson today.
It went amazingly well. It's so odd, no matter how bad of a mood I am, whenever I play any kind of music (piano, guitar lesson, voice lesson, etc.), I always brighten up and my whole day improves.

And I told you all about the little "grad" thing, and since, last night, I was feeling just like...the shit, I took a million photos of myself and totally pic whored. :) I'd post if I had somewhere else (that worked) to upload them and link to. But oh, well. Again.

I don't know, even though certain things are disappointing today, after my singing lesson I just can't be phased.

Oh, and I have suddenly become very popular among the male...species. Even though my interests have been narrowed (and are continuing to narrow), I still have petit garcons following me around. I got called by 3 different guys today, all asking me to hang out. Uh...sorry, guys, no thanks. I don't know. One says he just wants to make some friends to kick back with, but I don't know if I totally buy that. Whatever.
I'm kind of interested in one person, and although we aren't totally serious, he's kind of caught my eye. ...Really caught my eye. So yeah.

And all the men in my family that I care about (not many, most men in my family....well, most of my family fucking suck) have come to visit me this week. My cousin came up to see me, my dad, my older brother, my stepdad rushed to see my little "promotion". It's quite nice being fawned over.

Off to eat and get fat on German chocolate cake for my bro's 27 b-day. :)
My brother kicks so much ass. Not even kidding. He's the oldest of all of us (my 3 bros & I), and is probably (shhhh! Don't tell!) my favorite brother. I love my bro Steve (he's 25), but we have too much in common emotionally and too much different socially for us to actually be close. Odd relationship.
My little brother (Nate, he's 8) and I have so little in common that we despise each other most of the time. I think it's just a sibling thing though.

Well, enough rambling. For once I wasn't groping for things to tell about.
Maybe I'll write more later.

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