prompts // 007.

May 22, 2012 18:55

( 1 ) Muse prompt (500+ words, first or third person)
"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."
- Annie

( 2 ) RP prompt (RP on your muse journal with another character(s), link the scene here)
Reveal a secret

( 3 ) Drabble prompt (100-300 words, first or third person)

( 4 ) Ten Things (List)
Ten lessons you have learnt

( 5 ) Misc/Random
Write an entire piece in only dialogue between two characters and build a scene around the issue of regret.

( 6 ) Canon prompt (OOC)
Write a diary entry from your character with their thoughts of a specific event that deeply impacted on their life.

! prompts

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