013 (3) Drabble - "I couldn't live without them..."

Jun 27, 2012 12:42

013 (3) "I couldn't live without them..."

I couldn’t live without Finch. And it's not even because I would have bled to death in that parking structure if he hadn't risked everything to rescue me.

No. When he came into my life I had nothing left. He’s right, I was looking for something or someone to kill me -- the only reason I hadn't done it myself was because I’m just too damned stubborn to stop fighting. But he gave me a job. He gave me hope. He made me want to live. And I don't know if he'll ever truly understand how important he is to me.

Muse: John Reese
Fandom: Person of Interest
Word count: exactly 100
Also fills charloft 100 Drabbles of Summer #82 - Author's Choice

This entry was originally posted at http://shoots-kneecaps.dreamwidth.org/6816.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

[prompt] drabble

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