BeexSam Community: Cybertronian Games Series (Roleplay) Interm.

Aug 15, 2007 23:01

For those who watch my journal and are not apart of the BeexSam community...*shakes head* Don't ask. It was suppose to be a tension reliever from my shitty week of AnalTim and summer classes but the RP grew, as it usually does when it involves me. >_> If the pairing doesn't scare you off (nothing too graphic mentioned) then its a fun and light read. You never know...


Intermission: Starscream Isn't Laughing.

Roleplay Fiction by Museofslytherin and technodoofus

Rated: Pg-13

Italics means Flashback


It had been Annabelle's sixth birthday party and the entire gang had been invited. After cake and presents, the kids, human and sparkling alike, had been allowed to play to burn off energy. Ravage and Mumble had paired up, having known each other longer from living in the same town since their sparks had come online, and so weren't inclined to let Cera and Annabelle join in.

Annabelle who had been used to getting snubbed off by icky boys covered in "cooties" as she called them, had wandered off to play with her new toys.

However, Cera had never been excluded from anything, not having been alive as long as the other children, and having spent most of her time with her parents who generally let her do whatever as long as it didn't hurt or break anything. The word "no" was not in Cera's vocabulary.

The angry girl marched up to the two boys, glaring at them, as she stamped her foot on the ground, and in an even voice stated, "I want to play too, and just because you've known each other longer and I’m a girl doesn't mean you can deny me my rights of freedom to play with whatever and whomever I choose."

The two sons of Sam stared at each other in confusion before shrugging their shoulders and turning back to the upset girl. "Um, okay, what do you want to do? We were just discussing what forms we would like to take as our alternate forms, since Ratchet just cleared us." Asked Ravage.

Cera squealed in delight as the boys acknowledged her. "So what are you guys going to choose for your forms? I’ve already got mine, I’m choosing a jet."

Ravage scoffed at the mentioning of the jet form, "There's no way the adults would let you be a jet. That's Starscream's form. You're not a follower of that psychotic scrap heap, are you?" He had long heard the tales from his Father about the traitor and usurper known as Starscream, who only cared for himself and not the Decepticons as a whole. "My Father would shoot you out of the sky out of habit."

Cera scowled, her voice turning icy cold. "Of course I’m not a follower of Starscream, and if anyone should be worried about being a follower of him it should be you. After all you're still half Decepticon and that's reason enough for no one to trust you or your father even with this faulty truce." She sneered, "And as for your father shooting me down, ha I doubt he could even target me with my speed much less actually shoot me."

Mumble gasped, "How could you say such a mean thing?!" He glared at Cera. "Ravage is as trustworthy as any of us, more so than you. After all he isn't the one shooting everything that moves every second of his life unlike you," he said quickly jumping to his friend’s defense.

"I'm not ashamed of being a Decepticon. Before Megatron corrupted our goals, my ancestors were soldiers, who lived for war, much like the human Spartans of Greece. We had no need for philosophy and theory. We were not content to remain idle, as you Autobots wished to be. At least my Father didn't threaten to kill Sam's parents out of 'good humor' like Ironhide did," Ravage used his fingers to quote the words good humor. "I bet you couldn't even break the sound barrier."

Cera clenched her hand, and without warning shot a fist at Ravage's head, giving him a right hook, which caused him to fall to the ground in surprise at the unexpected attack. Unfortunately for Cera, the adults had decided to choose this moment to look at the children to make sure they were safe and caught the whole thing.

Mumble gasped and ran over to Ravage helping him up from the ground. "Are you alright?" he asked.

Leaning towards Mumble out of comfort, Ravage narrowed red optics, "Just as unstable and unbalanced as Starscream." He looked in the direction of the adults and noticed that they were being watched. "I would get that temper under control before the adults label you as a Decepticon and treat you with contempt," he mocked. Turning to Mumble, he said, "Well, since she knows what she wants to transform into, she doesn't need to be apart of our discussion."

Mumble nodded in agreement. "Yeah, go blow something up, and please leave us alone," he muttered as they turned their backs to her.

Cera 'humphed' and walked away, with her head lowered in anger as she contemplated a way to get even with those idiotic boys for insulting her. Just as she reached the house, she stopped dead in her tracks as a plan came to her mind, and chuckled in evil glee, before running over to Sarah Lennox who was scolding Ironhide for nearly squishing her rose bushes for the third time. "Excuse me, Mrs. Sarah?" Cera interrupted, as sweet and innocent as she could muster.

With a final glare aimed at Ironhide, Sarah redirected her attention at her second daughter and immediately knew something was up at the sight of her innocent expression. Cera was too mischievous to be innocent. "Yes, Cera, what can I do for you?"

"I was just wondering, if I could see some of Annabelle's old car toys." Cera immediately noticed the suspicion of her stepmother and quickly reassured her, "It's just so I can find some ideas for what to transform into...the boys said I couldn't be a jet." She pouted.

Sarah couldn't help blanching at the idea of a permanent jet constantly flying around the house, creating sonic booms and vibrations throughout the house. She had enough of that living on the military bases with Will early on in his career. That's why they had moved out into the farming community of California, for the peace and quiet. With the mention of alternate options, Sarah quickly jumped on the idea and directed Cera to the little storage of Annabelle's larger toys, where several of the small electric cars were for the toddler ages.

"Thanks." Cera muttered, and once Sarah was out of hearing she began giggling evilly to herself in sadistic glee as she chose two cars out of the small pile. The first one she chose was for Ravage who was going to be humiliated the hardest. So she took the small scooter/moped. It wouldn't have been so bad if it didn't have training wheels and pink stickers all over it, but that wasn't the worst, the worst was the pink unicorn in the back attached to the scooter.

Then Cera chose the pink VW beetle for Mumble. The car was covered in heart and flower stickers. The wheels were blue with yellow rims, making it one of the tackiest cars ever created by the Barbie company.

Again, the boys looked quizzically between each other, as they watched Cera pull with her two of Annabelle's older toys, a pair of electric vehicles, and could only wonder what intentions she had for them.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." Mumble muttered, but shrugged it off as he looked down at the toys that he and Ravage were about to scan for their vehicle modes.

As soon as the boys forgot about her presence, Cera crawled over army style and hid from view as they began scanning. As soon as they scanned the first layer, Cera pushed the scooter and beetle in the direction where the boys were scanning their cars. In less than a second, both Ravage and Mumble had transformed -- into pink Barbie cars!

Cera laughed hysterically at the sight before sitting down wishing that she could transform into her dream jet. Suddenly, as if some deity had granted her wish, a Air Force jet flew over the house with the USA AF logo emblazoned on the side. Before she could miss it, Cera did a quick scan and transformed, pulling out at lightning fast speed, and proving Ravage wrong, by easily breaking the sound barrier as she blasted off.

The adults had been waiting expectantly to see the sparklings new transformations and were startled by the sudden appearance of self-propelled electric vehicles interrupting the scans, changing the intended forms. What would have normally been hard plastic was converted into Cybertronian metal but the colors remained the same eyesore as the originals.

Hearing the gasps and growls from the audience, Ravage, along with Mumble, shifted back to robot mode to take stock of the situation. Barricade's son looked down at his limbs and flinched at the pastel colors he now sported, not surprised to hear Mumble's similiar response. His Father was quick to come to his side, reassuring him that it wasn't permanent and that another form would be found to replace it. Unsaid to Ravage, was his Father's plans to Frenzy to upload as many virus, pop-ups, and cookies as he could manage into that upstart’s programming in retribution, since she was too far to shoot at properly.

Autobot coward, he snorted, taking to the one place where she could hide in safety. Barricade settled his attentions on the other victim of the prank and felt uneasy seeing the gentler of Sam's two sons in near tears, despite being reassured by both fathers. For once, the Saleen vehicle was glad he wasn't the one to upset the Camaro because he could have sworn that the blue optics held a reddish hue to them.

If Bee wasn't consoling his son right now, he would be gunning it after Cera. As always, she took her revenge one step too far and ruined what was suppose to be a momentous occasion for the young sparklings: their first Transformation. It ranked right up there with a Jewish Barmetzfa and now it was tainted with a cruel prank, that would normally have the yellow car laughing at Barricade's son turning into a pink scooter. And to not even have the fortitude to remain here during the after effects of her stunt, its something he thought only one Decepticon would do, run and hide after a surprise attack. And it just so happened to be the same form that Cera had taken. Hopefully, it wasn't an omen, Bee thought.

The distraught radiating off the two sparklings quickly ended Ironhide's laughing fit, when he would normally be congratulating Cera on pulling a fast one on the Decepticon child. However, the lack of return and scanning a form that wasn't pre-approved began to irritate him, especially when he heard the sonic boom of Cera breaking the sound barrier. Vibrating houses and loud noises attracted attention, which they didn't need, especially with the military nearby. They were still looking for any excuse to expend Sabot rounds on the remaining Cybertronians for the unwanted war brought to their doorstep. A small, over-enthusiastic jet that still caused nightmares for some pilots is too much of a temptation in Ironhide's mind. "Cera, you have to the count of three to get your jets back here and apologize to Mumble and Ravage before the Air Force uses you for target practice and I 'okay' it,” he told her via comm. link.

"B-but they deserved it!" She cried out over the communications link, "You're not serious are you? I can't go back there, at least for a while, until it cools off. Bumblebee and Barricade look like they're going to shoot me down at any moment! They’ll kill me!" Even though she protested going back down, she slowly, very, very slowly, to save time, descended on to the ground, behind the refuge of a nearby oak tree.

"Then you should have enter those reactions into your equation of reasons for why this was such a good idea. If the parents are upset, how do you think Mumble and Ravage feel?" Noticing the his daughter's ruse of delay, Ironhide's tone become dead serious, "You know what you did was uncalled for if you're staying all the way over there, too afraid to accept the consequences of your actions. Cera, quit hiding before I come after you myself and switch off your transformation function before handing you over to Bee and Barricade."

"I don't care how Mumble and Ravage feel," she spat, as she walked over to her father, her arms crossed. "They offended me first," she scowled, looking over in Bee and Barricade's direction. The only emotions present were fear and defiance, not even a hint of remorse.

Ironhide shook his head in disbelief at his daughter's incomplete logic. "Cera, if you didn't care how they feel then you wouldn't have felt compelled to get revenge on them for offending you. Further proved by the fact that you chose to humiliate them in front of their loved ones. I'm very disappointed in you, Cera. This is not how an Autobot behaves towards its brethren."

Ravage looked up at his Father sheepishly, optics not exactly meeting his, "I may have commented harshly on her preferred form of a jet, since it reminded me of Starscream's but she opened the conversation with a standoffish tone." Looking away, he added quietly, "And I may have mentioned you shooting her out of the sky if she took that form, out of habit."

Barricade sent signals of reassurance and understanding to Ravage, finding no fault in his offspring's logic of defending his character and stating his opinion. Its no one's fault if the girl can't accept comments from others that are different from hers and she jumps off the handle every time someone disagrees with her. Taking into consideration Ravage's state of upset, Barricade offered, "Maybe its time we returned to Tranquility before we offend anyone else's delicate senses."

Mumble sighed sadly as he watched Ironhide reprimand Cera for her cruel trick, while Bumblebee comforted him by telling him that the proper changes could be easily made for him and Ravage to get another try at transforming into the original modes they had chosen. He truly didn't get it, although he knew he and Ravage hadn't exactly been as nice as they should have, this trick truly was cruel, in fact it was so horrible it seemed very Decepticon-ish. With this in mind he looked up at his father and opened a private communications link. "Dad...I’m sorry my first time transforming didn't go how we'd planned..." he stated softly, "I wanted to make you proud...”

"I am," Bee said softly, "besides the one minor hiccup, you performed a perfect scan and transformation, even down to the stickers." He joked lightly to ease the situation and to show that he wasn't upset with Mumble, especially for not being able to control outside forces.

Mumble giggled, but stopped abruptly when the cause of all this commotion walked up to him.

Cera stood there with her head bowed down angrily and looked Mumble straight in the optics before starting, "Sorry for ruining your first transformation. I went overboard as usual and if I wanted retribution for you being a jerk to me earlier I should have waited for a less important time." She sighed in agitation and turned to Ravage, "Sorry to you too..." She nodded curtly before turning around and walking off.

It was obvious there was nothing sincere about the apology and it was clear by the tone of boredom in which it was said that made it painfully obvious that she had been forced to apologize, and not because she truly meant it, and that irked Mumble more than anything.

For once, Bee and Barricade didn't mind each other’s presences, as it allowed Mumble and Ravage to comfort each other with light conversation while still being in the protective shadows of their Creators. For the rest of the day, neither of the four had seen much of Cera and didn't bother to complain, figuring it was best to let the dust settle and emotions cool. The Lennox family made their official apologies that were easily accepted and taken to heart and spark.

"Cera still has a ways to go in learning to pick her battles," Ironhide commented through the radio to Will, on Cera’s past acts, "and hopefully we don't need Ratchet to physically alter her personality programming to achieve that."

Will nodded in agreement, "Yeah...though I don't know where she got the vindictive sneakiness from, and I’m pretty damn sure it wasn't you or me." He shook his head at the recollection. "Hey," he asked as he watched as Cera flew off to go play with Mumble and Ravage, "you know we never did figure out where she had gotten her original personality from when she was younger..." He idly commented.

"Maybe it was the confrontational manner you used with Sam when you needed to take the Cube to the building with the statues. The Cube could have imprinted Cera's spark with that as she is easily inclined to pick a fight no matter who the opponent is," Ironhide suggested. "It was the only time you had possession of the Allspark."

"So it's my fault?" he scoffed, "Well it does make sense..." he muttered before smiling again. "But whatever, the past is the past and everything so far has turned out ok."

Recognizing the ending of that conversation, the GMC truck covered a few miles in silence before tackling another corruption in his data tracks, "Barricade has decided to leave Ravage in the care of Sam and Bee. With two sparklings to worry about, he might need help and them visiting might address Cera's personality for the better. What are your thoughts?"

Will nodded, "Yeah, that makes sense, and I’m at least one hundred percent sure that Frenzy is more trouble then help." He grinned, "I wonder how Sam's mom's going to handle that little runt in her flowers? You know how she gets when even you get too close." Will chuckled, remembering the time he had been scolded by Judy Witwicky for accidentally stepping on her petunias.

"Don't remind me about Frenzy," Ironhide grumbled, well aware of the friction between the hacker and his daughter. "I'll just have to keep an eye on what sites he visits while they are over and try to avoid as many pop-ups and spyware as possible. Don't need him anymore hyped-up and paranoid then can be prevented." Easier said then done.


Continue to Chapter 3

Please don't tell the local insane asylum where we are, 'kay? Thanks!
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