Killing Time

Oct 10, 2008 09:52

A couple of things:

1.) I am due in three weeks. I have long passed the stage of earth mother oneness with the universe and la de da being pregnant is WONDERFUL and am about to request that my doctor simply remove my son with a vacuum. The muskrat swimming around in ma bellay is currently weighing in at around 7 pounds and I believe he may have just broken a rib...heh...

2.) I am excessively annoyed with myself for being quite as excited as I am about the new "Twilight" trailer. As the poster child for intellectual snobs everywhere it is just embarrassing that I'm already adding it to the Netflix lineup.

3.) With the exception of the whole "not much money" thing, being without employment is actually kind of cool.

4.) With all the extra time I have on my hands these days I've joined a knitting circle at a shop owned by two zany Italian sisters. Everyone is about 20 years older than me, but they're awesome. We sit around on Friday afternoons and they try to get me to tell them what the baby's name is and teach me how to knit sweaters. I've managed to make Christmas presents for my entire family, an afghan and a very nice hat for my small one, and a hat for Jude that actually fits his head.

5.) My brain no longer works. I cannot read anything more involved than Mary Higgins Clark and Anne Perry. I trail off in the middle of sentences with absolutely no idea what I was talking about which is especially amusing when I'm screaming myself horse about McCain and Palin.

6.) Jude is, hands down, the best father in waiting in the world. He works his ass off all day then comes home and gives me foot rubs, cleans the house, cooks dinner, pats me when I start crying for no reason, and has not once lost his temper even when I'm obscenely, ridiculously, obnoxious.

7.) We joined a church. I am now a Unitarian Universalist, which feels a little bit weird having been a Presbyterian all my life. Its a wonderful, wonderful fellowship. We've had lovely talks with the minister and her fiance and met some great people already. Its going to be the perfect place to take baby Jude and give him the kind of spiritual education and opportunities we want him to have. Best of all, Jude is really, really loving it. We talked a lot about not wanting to commit to a place where both of us didn't feel totally comfortable. He says what he likes best is he doesn't have to listen to the sermon or look at the doctrine and sort of take out the bits and pieces he agrees with. Its a very open and inclusive environment without being totally chaotic, which was something I was a bit concerned about. This particular congregation is also really immersed in the arts which I just love. Our minister suggested I might like to join the lay service committee when she heard I had a background in theatre. Once a month in the winter months and throughout the summer, the committee actually runs the service, gives the sermons etc. Sounds like something I'd love. And she suggested that Jude might like to teach an art class sometime. Its wonderful to be feeling so spiritually connected to things again, but at the same time very grounded in dealing with real world problems, a huge part of what being a Unitarian is. And its a very good thing to feel part of a community again.

8.) As a very liberal Democrat I am feeling more optimistic, all things considered, about the future of this country then I've felt in a very long while. I actually believe my guy's gonna win this time and I haven't felt that way since my first election which I believe was Billy's second term and kind of a no brainer. I actually believe myself now when I say things like "I think the country really is tired of all the bullshit." And since I really, really wasn't looking forward to having to move to Toronto or Costa Rica to raise my kid its a good thing that tide is turning away from that gibbering loon with the glasses and the mummified zombie who seriously needs better handlers. Yeah I said it. Did you watch the "town hall" debate!? Where in gods name was the old man wandering off to the entire time!?

9.) I am about to become a mama. And while I complain on a daily basis about being too exhausted to do more than watch endless episodes of NCIS (a show that does in fact get pretty good as the seasons progress though what is up with Mark Harmon's hair I do not know), I can't bend over to save my life, I do not remember the last time I saw my feet and I quite literally feel like I've been doing this for years, I have never wanted anything more in my life. I got to see him yesterday when I went in for a last ultrasound to check his placement (head down! Yay!) and though the picture wasn't terribly clear, he's so big its hard to see anything, there he was, my little guy. Mine and Jude's. Its almost not a good idea to think about it too much, because it is totally overwhelming. I don't think a lot of people are this lucky. Here I have this amazing man, this wonderful human being, who loves me as much as I love him and I get to have a child with him. This person who would not exist if the two of us hadn't met and loved each other. I know it must sound very Danielle Steele, but I'm hard pressed to think of another way to show Jude just how much I love him then by having our son together.

God, we're gonna spoil the shit out of this kid.
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