(no subject)

Oct 05, 2009 09:21

Your muse: Benedetta Montague
Muse wanted: One of her brothers~ Or more than one, of course.
Community: sixwordstories
Fandom: nu!Shakespeare, although her brothers are basically OCs.
Canon: Based on Romeo and Juliet, but all you really need to take from it is the whole Montague v. Capulet thing (for now, at least)
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Book? Kind of.
PB: Preferably blondish, so they look like siblings, but I'm open.
Contact via: this post, please!

As I play Bennie more and more, I realize how much I'd love to have some of her family around. She's the youngest of four, with three older brothers, and really admires and respects all of them. I have just a little canon in mind for each of them, which can of course be built upon.

The eldest brother is in his late twenties, married, and lives in California. He's an aspiring screenwriter and has two young children and another on the way.

The other two brothers are twins and are 21/22 (at least old enough to buy booze~). One is currently serving in Iraq and is v. gung-ho about that, leading Bennie to be actively and vocally "SUPPORT OUR TROOPS D:". The other is going to college in New York and studying...something very intelligent, something that makes Bennie admire him even more. He sometimes supplies Bennie and her friends with alcohol. NY!brother is probably the easiest to be played, since the others are far away from all the nu!Shakespeare action.

Basically I want another person to loom over avengemyfather, Bennie's new boyfriend.

[play]: romeo and juliet, [original character]: no name

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