Your Muse: Aaron Littleton
Muse wanted: Ji Yeon, Walt Lloyd, Charlie Hume, Clementine Phillips.(And Zach and Emma, I guess. As ~others~. OCs are welcome too.
sixwordstories , personal journals, wherever.
Fandom: LOST
Canon: Post-finale. Waaaaaaay post.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: TV series
PB: Anyone you want. (Try to make them somewhat resemble their bb!selves?)
Contact via: Here is good.
Basically, these kids are the spawn of the survivors of flight 815. They can be candidates or whatever, but mostly I just want Aaron to have friends to hang out with. They could be trying to find out more about their pasts because their parents are all hush hush about their childhoods or they could just hang out at Steak 'n Shake. Whatever floats your boat. I'm thinking they end up on the Island somehow. As for how they meet? Err, destiny? Or maybe playdates set up by their parents when they were teeny tykes. :3