Your Muse: The Doctor, Tenth Incarnation (Somewhat AU, details below)
Muse wanted:
Penny Carter (AU)
sixwordstories, generally the
brokenverseFandom: Doctor Who
Canon: He's set canon up to mid-way through season 3, until things changed, when Martha left early (He also only wears the blue suit...and it's best not to ask why). Penny would be...somewhat loosely based on her canon self.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Television show
PB: Verona Joseph
Contact via: (PM, comment, ect) Comment here.
Details! So, this Doctor's canon path changed when he was drawn into a multiversal hunt with a parallel Rose, chasing something that was destroying universes. The search landed him in the broken universe and a dead end. While there, he encountered a future, alternate version of himself who warned him away from allowing a Donna to travel with him. So he's promised himself not to ever interfere in Donna's life again.
Instead, he'll be picking up a strong-spirited woman named Penny, because nothing could go wrong with that, riight?
Since the character was originally meant to be a back up for Donna if Catherine Tate weren't going to reprise the role, I'm thinking maybe her personality would be a mix of what we see of her in Partners in Crime and Donna. Very "This is completely mental and I'm so not impressed, but it could be fun"? But it would ultimately be up to anyone who played her.
He does travel with a Rose
orphaned_wolf, but she's very very AU, and doesn't do the companion thing. She tends to be more of a sarcastic roommate.
Anyone interested?