Nov 04, 2023 02:38
Your Muse: This guy
Muse wanted: Detailed below
Community: smuttysws or psl (also available on dreamwidth)
Fandom: n/a
Canon: n/a
Book, Movie, Game, Other: n/a
PB: Open to discussion
Contact via: (PM, comment, ect) Here or PM
Depending on plot, Alejandro can be either a former scholar and soldier who becomes a tutor after being injured on the front lines OR a prince or other titled member of society. Either way, he's always going to be shy and sweet and kind of awkward.
Arranged marriage with plenty of room for a total slow burn romance, they find reasons to keep coming together for these fleeting little moments that hint at happiness, courting after marriage, very slowly finding out how good they are for each other, and eventually falling in love.
Orrrrrrrr I'm also a sucker for a forbidden romance, so maybe a secret thing with a commoner or a servant, which could be chock full of innuendo, and stolen moments, touching, kissing, trying to deny feelings, missed opportunities, the desperation that comes with trying to stay away from each other only to fall back into each others arms and a whole lot of UST.
Also interested in:
Masquerade ball. Boy retreats outside for a breath of fresh air. Boy is not alone. Boy offers to return the coat that's dropped. Boy doesn't realize person is selkie. Boy is now in possession of selkie-fiancee.
Also very much into mermaid (or merman!) and their human love.