(no subject)

Aug 05, 2018 10:33

Your Muse: Jo March, modern AU.
Muse wanted: Anyone! Friends, lovers of the male, female, and nonbinary persuasions, professors, students, etc.
Community: I mostly hang in SSWS but we can do personals too.
Fandom: She's from Little Women but you don't have to be. I use a PB from the MCU so it amuses me when superheroes hang out with her. Literally, though, any fandom at all.
Canon: hahahahahNOPE.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: N/A
PB: Whoever you like.
Contact via: Comment here or PM if you like.

Jo used to have a bunch of friends here but then I sort of um disappeared for a year *whoops* so I'd love for her to have people to hang out with again. Friends or romantic partners or colleagues or anyone at all.

Background about Jo: She's moved from Massachusetts to New York where she's a grad student studying creative writing. That's uh...really it. She misses her family, she's determined to write a great novel, she's a loner, and she's a joykill. She's working on all of that though.

[book]: little women

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