Sep 29, 2015 00:10
Your Muse: Percival
Muse wanted: OC agents and support staff from Kingsman: The Secret Service, Q from the latest James Bond movies, British spies (ie Mr Steed and Emma Peel from The Avengers), and Man From UNCLE characters. All the spies.
Community: SWS, SSWS
Fandom: British and American spy genres. Pick something you like and throw it in Kingsman: The Secret Service verse.
Canon: Varies. I'm open to anything, given where the movie ends up, during the movie, pre movie. It's all good.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Movies and TV
PB: Canon PBs for prominent characters, whatever PB you would like for non-prominent characters (which includes all of the Kingsman who aren't Merlin, Galahad(s), Lancelot(s), and Arthur.)
Contact via: Here or PM
(PM, comment, ect)
[movie]: kingsman the secret service,
[movie]: james bond movie series,
[movie]: red