(no subject)

Mar 09, 2015 17:29

Your Muse: Steve Rogers (steverogers_cpt) & Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier (madeoutofwar).
Muse wanted: See Below
Community: Smuttysws & Psls. May be open to Sixwordstories or other communities.
Fandom: Marvel. But open to possible crossovers &/or original characters.
Canon: Can be played but not required.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Steve & Bucky are taken from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
PB: Canon Pbs for canon characters. Pbs for ocs are up to you. No animated Pbs.
Contact via: comments or Pms.

Possible Muses for Steve:

For action/drama/angst/etc - any of his fellow avengers or pretty much anyone would be okay.
For Romantic verses - Natasha, Peggy (a story set back in the war or somehow in modern times), Bucky (in the war or modern), Tony, Howard, fellow Howling Commandos or other Avengers. Others are of course welcome.

Steve can be played at various points in his canon, post CA:TWS, pre CA:TFA. He could follow variations on events from any of the films or in completely new storylines.

Possible Muses For Bucky:

For action/drama/angst/etc - anyone from the MCU that would work well with him in a storyline. OCs or crossovers welcome.
For Romantic verses - Steve, fellow Howling Commandos, Howard, Natasha, anyone from the MCU (or ocs or crossovers) could be possible, just comment or send a message to see.

As with Steve, Bucky can be played at various points in his canon, post CA:TWS, pre CA:TFA. He could follow variations on events from any of the films or in completely new storylines.

[movie]: captain america, [tv show]: marvel's agents of shield, [movie]: thor, [tv show]: agent carter, [movie]: the avengers, [movie]: iron man

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