(no subject)

Feb 11, 2015 21:13

Your Muse: Dottie Underwood
Muse wanted: Any and all from Agent Carter and Captain America
Community: sixwordstories, smuttysws, journals
Fandom: MCU
Canon: Ish?
Book, Movie, Game, Other:
PB: Canon or other.
Contact via: Here is great!

So, I've got Dottie here, who Agent Carter fans will know is one of the original Red Room Black Widow agents! I'm interested in playing her undercover, as well as trying to voice test for her character. I also wouldn't mind playing her off of comics canon (where the Black Widows are somewhat ageless, due to the Super Soldier serum knock off they used on them), so I can play her modern day, too.

[movie]: captain america, [tv show]: agent carter

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