(no subject)

Jul 20, 2014 20:27

Ignore the journal.

Your Muse: Grayer (an oc, on dreamwidth)
Muse wanted: Chris Argent (+ any other TW muses are welcome)
Community: bakerstreet, journals
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Canon or AU: a bit of both?
Medium: tv show
Contact via: comment here or a pm

Grayer is an original werewolf I made a while ago and I've been wanting to actually get him out and about for a while. I've also been re-watching Teen Wolf and I actually really adore the character of Chris.

I came up with the idea a while back and decided I may as well try and find someone else interested in it. Grayer is a lot older than most wolves, closer to 90 than 18 and he doesn't really age (I know it's not really TW canon for that, but we have already gotten the impression from Peter and Cora that they don't age normally at all so wth, right?) Basically, my thoughts were this; Chris and Grayer met years back, when Chris was still a much younger hunter and maybe when Gerard's influence was still strong, and while Grayer usually kept to himself and didn't hurt anyone, he somehow ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Gerard and the other hunters declared him the enemy and wanted him dead but when it came time, Chris showed mercy and Grayer took off.

But now, Grayer is back in Beacon Hills (maybe he's heard of all new monsters that have been appearing and is coming to check up?) and Grayer is offering his silent assistance, staying away from the pack but offering advice and his services whenever they're needed in an attempt to repay the mercy once shown to him.

This is just a rough idea I have. I'm more than happy to talk over any other details and work it out together. I'm open to both platonic and shippy but I mostly just want to work on the CR and developing whatever kind of relationship between them that we agree upon.

[tv show]: teen wolf

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