(no subject)

May 10, 2014 22:47

Your Muse: Jack Benjamin
Muse wanted: David Shepherd, Michelle Benjamin, Lucinda, Joseph, the whole blockade of canonmates. Open to cross canon and OCs.
Community: sixwordstories, smuttysws, primarily journals
Fandom: Kings
Canon: Post-show, but would dabble pre
Book, Movie, Game, Other: TV Show
PB: Canon
Contact via: PM or here

This asshole needs a happier ending. Hop on, kids. I'd like to see David stick it to the man and get Jack out of his weird as fuck punishment, save Michelle, and just ride off on an enormous, obese horse into the sunset.

I'd also like all the shitty stuff, too, and to fill in any gaps, especially with Joseph.

Jack is a Gilboan prince, so if your canon can tolerate mysterious modern nations with royalty and a boner for religion, get on it, I'm more than happy to adapt. He's good for negative or positive CR. I'm also that psycho who plays every other muse with this PB until I get so bored, so if you ever need any of those, hit me up.

[tv show]: kings

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