(no subject)

Jan 05, 2014 23:22

Your Muse: Allison Argent (ignore this journal)
Muse wanted: Isaac Lahey or any of the Argents
Fandom: Teen Wolf (MTV)
Canon: Yes, but in a panfandom setting
Book, Movie, Game, Other: TV Show
PB: Canon
Contact via: This post, please, or just go straight to the source and put a hold on your character.

Vas Captio is a panfandom game on InsaneJournal with roots in the horror genre. It's actually very fun and engaging. There are a bunch of Teen Wolf muses in play in the game, but no Isaac and Allison is the only Argent around. Give it a look and put someone on hold if you think you'll enjoy it.

[tv show]: teen wolf

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