(no subject)

Nov 25, 2013 15:58

Your muse: Gavroche Thénardier, also posting for Éponine Thénardier
Muse wanted: Monsieur & Madame Thénardier
Community: sixwordstories
Fandom: Les Miserables
Canon: Modern-day, but otherwise mostly yes.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Book/movie/musical
PB: Up to you!
Contact via: Here, please.

Éponine!mun and I would love to see our characters' horrible, awful parents about. We're going off a mix of movie/musical and book canon. Gavroche wasn't given away to some random patron, like in the 2012 movie, but he was definitely not really loved by his parents (he once mentioned his mom used to like him when he was younger, which does contradict book canon but oh well). At the age of 15, he's now basically homeless. He stops by the house maybe once or twice a month to nick some food or money, but doesn't expect love or anything.

Éponine has some background regarding the whole family in her profile, copy-pasted here:
The Thenardiers thought that taking in a foster child would be profitable (they were wrong) and so Cosette joined the family for a time. They owned a bar during Eponine's childhood, but due to her father's outstanding debts and horrible money managing they lost it as well as their house in the suburbs only a year after giving up Cosette.

Eponine flip-flops between living with her shitty parents in their shitty apartment in the city and living in her own shitty apartment/motel/on some persons' couch she met on Craigslist,
depending on her financial situation.

So, speak up if you wanna play someone with negative morals :D

[book]: les miserables, [play]: les miserables, [movie]: les miserables

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