May 23, 2013 14:25
Your Muse: Squall Leonhart
Muse wanted: Anyone. Seriously, I don't care. He's funny with characters that are similar to Zell or Seifer, though (or... we could just go with Zell or Seifer, period.)
Community: If YOU are a member of a community that needs a Squall, I'll gladly join. I'm just looking for an RP buddy, initially, though.
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Canon: I CAN play Leon from KH, as well. I honestly adore that game, just as much. I only have about 3 years of experience with that one, though. With FFVIII Squall, you'll get the best result! I have a good 12 years of experience rping as that particular one. No, I don't know anything about Dissidia Squall. :(
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Game, only.
PB: Canon.
Contact via: E-mail (chas[dot]highfield[at]yahoo[dot]com) might work the fastest, honestly. A comment here is great, too!!!
[game]: final fantasy (series),
[game]: kingdom hearts