Your Muse: Quinn Fabray
Muse wanted: Anyone from Glee! We have some of the core members from seasons one and two but we are looking for a lot of the new members from season 4 (Both Puck and Jake would be especially welcome, but anyone who isn't currently taken!), and we have a desperate shortage of adults! (Ex: Sue Sylvester, Beiste, Shelby, Cassie July are all needed.) We also welcome original characters. ^_^
Community: freeforums (, tie in LJ comm
wmhs_roleplay Fandom: Glee (TV show)
Canon: We count all episodes of season one and two as absolute canon, but we allow for members to pick and choose from their characters storylines from season three as to what they'd like to keep or edit! And then we play concurrent to season four. Current threads all take place during the 12-13 school year.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: TV Show
PB: If you pick a canon character, please use the canon playby. Original characters can pick their own PBs!
Contact via: PM, comment, post on the community! :)