'Tis the season for holiday muses~

Dec 04, 2012 14:40

Your Muse: Ella Frost, heir apparent to the Frost empire
Muse wanted: Her siblings and cousins and the rest of the legends' heirs
Community: SWS, SSWS, memebells, possibly personal journals
Fandom: Mythology
Canon: Not in the least.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Other
PB: Up to you. I'll help you look if you like. Obviously Ella's siblings should look somewhat like her.
Contact via: Here.

A long long time ago, the legends (see "Rise of the Guardians" and add on from there) were getting old. They passed on their powers and titles to their children, and their children... unfortunately had more than one child each. So they came up with a plan: A competition between each generation. The winner got the title, the powers, and the position of CEO in the family's empire.

Ella is in the lead of the Frost family's competition for this generation. She's petty, ruthless, and a born politician. Her many-times-great-grandfather would be horrified, but for today's world this is exactly what's gotten her to the forefront of the competition.

I'm looking for her siblings--I'm thinking she has at least two, up to four--her cousins (only first cousins are eligible for the competition) and the rest of the competitors of her generation.

Come join me in the holiday crack!

[mythology], [original character]: no name

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