Your Muse: Jane Davis
Muse wanted: Rufio! Rufio! Rufio! (Sorry...I find it impossible to say his name without chanting it).
sixwordstories mostly, probably some
memebells and the like.
Fandom: OUAT/Peter Pan/Hook
Canon: Not really. No. OUAT is all about twisting things.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: TV, book, and movie
PB: Whoever you feel works.
Contact via: Here is great.
So I am easily enabled and picked up Peter and Wendy's daughter, Jane. And somehow in the course of typing up her bio, I thought HEY! JANE/RUFIO. THIS SHOULD BE A THING. (Even if Peter would apparently disapprove). So if there is anyone out there who would like to bring me a Rufio, I would be eternally grateful.