Your Muse: Adam Stone/William Frankenstein
Muse wanted: Doctor Whale/Victor Frankenstein, any and all Storybrooke folk
smuttysws, personal journals, whathaveyou
Fandom: Once Upon a Time, mixed in with a bit of Mary Shelley.
Canon: Further info can be found in his
profile, but mostly after the last episode I thought to myself: What is Frankenstein without his creature? The idea of them being brothers is both heartbreaking and intriguing, and I'd love to play both backstory and post-curse.
I'm also looking for someone who's at least a little familiar with the original Mary Shelley story, since it's one of my very favourite books and I do plan on borrowing quite a bit from that.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: TV show, and a bit of book.
PB: Canon PBs for canon characters! And if you want to toss an OC at me, then whomever you'd like.
Contact via: Here, please!