(no subject)

Oct 25, 2012 20:21

Your Muse: Scott McCall
Muse wanted: Any/all Teen Wolf muses
Community: the usual lj ones, aim, maybe willing to go to dreamwidth
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Canon: post season 2, but I'd be game during any episode!
Book, Movie, Game, Other: TV
PB: Canon PB please
Contact via: Here or PM or aim (reluctantbatman)

Looking for an Isaac who'd be interested in some shippy play (definitely my OTP), but for friendship, too. I'm just craving interaction after season 2. Also anyone else for shipping of anything. I just want to play! If you are pro aim, that's a plus, too. But definitely not a requirement!

And anyone who wants to play in a group 'verse with me and a Stiles. Seeking everyone!

[tv show]: teen wolf

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