More OUAT, please.

Oct 07, 2012 23:56

Your Muse: Gerda from The Snow Queen as a Once Upon A Time original character
Muse wanted: Kai
Community: sixwordstories, memebells, etc.
Fandom: The Snow Queen / Once Upon A Time
Canon: In this case, feel free to construct your own.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: TV/Fairytales
PB: Any young actor in Jennifer Lawrence's age range is good with me.
Contact via: Comment here or PM

Gerda's looking for her childhood sweetheart and current fiance, Kai. The story doesn't offer much about them other than them coming from a large town, growing up together, and spending time in their gardens. In Storybrooke, Gerda is a photographer and aspiring artist. I would be happy to have a Kai with any background, but my suggestion is that maybe he's an aspiring musician and the two of them inspire each other creatively. Gerda's all about flowers and animals and nature, and in the verse I've been playing her in, she's getting to know Sheriff Graham as her (long lost) half brother. 

[tv show]: once upon a time

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