Aug 03, 2012 10:00
Your Muse: Alexandra Veidt - Codename Isis. [Watchmen OC]
Muse wanted: Adrian Veidt; Dan; Laurie; Mr. Manhattan; Next generation Watchmen; I bet we could bring Rorschach back somehow if someone wanted to toss him into the mix.
Community: sixwordstories, journals, etc
Fandom: Watchmen
Canon: Post canon.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Comic/Movie
PB: I like movie PBs for all those featured but pick who you like for others!
Contact via: Here please.
Alexandra is the daughter of Adrian Veidt and considered his crowning achievement. She was created in a laboratory using only Adrian's genetic material - essentially a clone, but not quite. When Adrian's peace came to a close after the assassination of the president, a new generation of masks took to the streets in order to protect the populace. Alexandra is among them as Isis.
She does not know about her father's hand in the events that more-or-less brought about world-peace. It would be fun, I think, to explore the fall-out of that knowledge coming to light. Perhaps Rorschach's diary was never published - maybe Veidt caught wind of it before it went to press and it was covered up again. Add a turbulent United States to the mix and we have some nice drama to build off of.
[comics]: watchmen,
[movie]: watchmen