(no subject)

Jun 17, 2012 15:36

Your Muse: Ameliorate (shorted to Amelia)
Muse wanted: John Smith (or another name, if you so wish). A Captain Jack would be lovely, too! And universe bending with canon characters would be just lovely, too.
Community: Journals? sixwordstories? I could be persuaded to go to a game eventually, but right now I just want to muck about a bit and hopefully strike up an interesting PSL or two. (Also I'm willing to play on other sites? I know lj's turned to crap, and so if you want me somewhere else, I'm game.)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Canon: AU in which Amy is from Gallifrey
Book, Movie, Game, Other: TV show
PB: Matt Smith for John/whatever you want to call him and canon for others.
Contact via: Here or a PM is lovely.
(PM, comment, ect)

So the concept of Amy as a Time Lady is a little ~vague, I know. It originally stemmed from a short ficlet I wrote when I was on holiday last September. I intended to continue it but real life got in the way. (If you want to read, it's here.) I also intended to rp this version of Amelia when I was sure I was going to be too busy to write, but that was another thing that failed. However now I'm kind of just thinking yolo and figured I might throw something up here if anybody is interested.

Basically when the Time War came, she ran. And ran and ran and never stopped running. She has Amy's basic personality - fiesty and mad and a fan of the impossible, but her recklessness is exaggerated even more so due to the fact that she can go anywhere she likes and do anything she wants and get herself into so many different scrapes. Her problem is that she never, ever slows down and often as a result of this, people get hurt or she gets hurt and the meaning of her name (Ameliorate - to make better) becomes just a thing she longs to be able to do, not a reality. Her reaction to the guilt that follows her around is simply to try and run away from it; to collapse more stars and lose more lives. Which is really why she needs somebody to slow her down and ground her. Which is where the humans come in. She likes humanity and is drawn to the simplicity of Earth. Although the very idea of being drawn back to one planet again and again frustrates her and goes against her principles, Earth and humans are like a drug to her. When she left who she was behind after the war, she adopted human names and words and behaviour, even picking up a Scottish accent (yes, she has the accent). And while she hates how she keeps coming back to the place, she loves it too because they're so eager and excited at the prospect of seeing space. It's selfish of her to pick up companions because she's putting innocent lives in danger simply so she can experience the awe of seeing the stars for the first time again through their eyes.

I haven't got much for John, except that he's a human version of Eleven. Still mad as a box of cats and odd and crazy and wickedly clever, but with less of that baggage that Eleven has, I think. More of a mad young man than one who is old and young at the same time. And whatever charm he has about him, he manages to plant Amelia's feet on the ground from time to time. Not tame her, because that's impossible and he's as much for the running as she is, but slow her down every so often and remind her of the danger that she can put herself in. And it should be noted that I'm a ridiculous Eleven/Amy shipper, but if you don't want things to go that way then I'm totally fine with it!

For Jack, I had in my head that they would know one another through the sexy space travellers union. :| No, okay, I figured they would have found a way to bump into each other a few times. Small universe and all that. And like everything does with both Jack and Amy, flirting and action are a must. I doubt he would have ever been a companion type figure to her since he lacks the quality of being able to ground her and save her from herself - it seems more like he would just join in the recklessness. So space brotp with added flirtation, anybody?

And lastly, any universe bending with canon character would be delightful and I would super love to play with any and all muses. Just hit me up and I will be more than happy to plot things out~

[tv show]: doctor who

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