(no subject)

Jun 03, 2012 04:20

Your Muse: Ordinary!Dean Winchester, and we also have Ordinary!(Stoner!)Cas, Ordinary!(Drugaddict!)Sam, and Ordinary!Gabe
Muse wanted: Ordinary!: Bobby and Ellen, Jo, Balthazar (Who was referred to as Dean's first roommate, crazy European bastard), Michael, Lucifer, pretty much ordinary!flavored anyone and everyone! A drugaddict enabler Ruby to pair up with Sam would make things pretty interesting. We haven't given her much canon, except for the drugs thing and Dean thinking she's a massive hellbitch. But that's sort of a given.
Community: SWS, Memebells, Bakerstreet (If you DreamWidth- not necessary) 
Fandom: Suparnatural
Canon:  Au!
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Television: Supernatural
PB:  Actors from the show, though icons can be taken from out of canon roles
Contact via: Aim: EmmyNine, Plurk, PM, or of course here.

Dean's backstory is here, and Sam's is matching here. They essentially mirror cannon, but in monster-less ways.
Cas and Gabe's is more complex, for obvious reasons. For your own interpretations, any backstory's acceptable, as long as it's plausible and meshes with the already established ones! If you're going to play someone from Cas and Gabe's family, just make sure it's noted that they've both been outcast and exiled from the family for several years. I'm not sure who else they consider siblings, I'd estimate probably Anna, but not Balthazar. Likely Michael. They don't have an established surname, and Gabe assigned his own for publicity. Lucifer was referenced once as one of Sam's dealers, but that can be hand-waved and changed.

We tend to keep it moderately serious and good quality, though we do have some silliness and fun! And activity's flexible, we all have jobs and RL and stuff, but I'd like people who intend to do more than one or two threads and then disappear, or just don't take it seriously at all.

Any questions or whatever, come at me bro!

[tv show]: supernatural

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