(no subject)

May 22, 2012 14:36

Your Muse: Luke Skywalker & Teen!Luke [wantstbelikedad]
Muse wanted: Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, Leia, and Han Solo
Community: sixwordstories, smuttysws, and memebells
Fandom: Star Wars
Canon: Yes and No
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Movie
PB: Canons please
Contact via: Here's good.

I have an AU verse set up that works for both journals. Basically Anakin never went to the darkside so he and Padme raise Luke and Leia together. Which changes certain things in canon but the overall canon is pretty much the same. Just no Vader.

Teen!Luke would mostly be set during his teen years in that verse.

I ship Luke with both Han and Anakin. So I'm up for possible side verses or completely different verses all together for those ships.

[movie]: star wars

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