(no subject)

Feb 04, 2010 02:43

Your Muse: Adam Monroe
Muse wanted: Yaeko (Oh, so desperately!), Hiro Nakamura, Duncan MacLeod (No, really XD)
Community: trans_9, the_blank_slate, or even personal journals/sixwordstories
Fandom: Heroes, Highlander: The Series(/certain Movies)
Canon: Honestly, I'm good with any point. I'd quite enjoy a reconciliation story with Post-S2 Yaeko or Hiro, or skip over that, and go with Pre-The Line Yaeko and/or Hiro. As for Duncan, any point is just fiine. I'd just love a fellow immortal swordsman XD (Though, okay, maybe pre-The Source, because that was bizarre)
Book, Movie, Game, Other: TV series and movie
PB: Yaeko is Eriko Tamura, Hiro is Masi Oka, and Duncan is Adrian Paul
Contact via: PM, Comment, whichever.

[tv show]: heroes, [movie]: highlander, [tv show]: highlander: the series

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