(no subject)

May 06, 2012 18:06

Your Muse: Clint Barton
Muse wanted: Any and all The Avengers muses. MCU  or comics universe, doesn't really matter.
Community: sws or psl
Fandom: The Avengers
Canon: Movie canon or comics canon or some kind of mixture between them.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Movie/comics
PB: Canon PBs please.
Contact via: Here is fine.

I once RP'd Clint ages (and I mean ages) ago in a forum rpg, but after I saw the movie I decided I wanted to give him another try. I would love to have a Natasha, for shipping purposes or only for badass friendship, whatever floats your boat. I'd love to play out their past before S.H.I.E.L.D. I'd also love Coulson or Maria for possible shipping. Also his teammates for broships.

So basically I want everyone.

[comics]: marvel (misc. titles), [comics]: the avengers, [movie]: the avengers

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