Your Muse: Melinda Halliwell. ( Pipers daughter.)
Muse wanted: Piper Halliwell, Chris Halliwell, Wyatt, Phoebe, Paige, Leo, Cupid, & other family. If it's possible an Ian as a demon? Also, really anyone else. Demons, Angels, etc.
sixwordstories, roleplay journals, and I might create a specific community for this in the future.
Fandom: Charmed.
Canon: AU Post-series.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: TV, Comics.
PB: All that applies.
Contact via: Comment here.
I've been watching a little too much Charmed and now I'm hooked. I've always wondered what it would be like to roleplay the next generation. After watching 'Morality Bites', I definitely couldn't resist doing this. I do want to explore a Dark Verse with her and also a 'Good' Verse. Comment if you'd like to brainstorm something out. I'm open for suggestions.
& For the Ian role, it will be sort of like Phoebes love story with Cole. You were warned ;)