The eye of the future sees you...

Mar 29, 2012 03:44

Your Muse: Radu 386
Muse wanted: Anyone! I'd love other Space Cases, but anyone from a fandom involving space travel would be amazing! I tagged the post with Star Trek since it's the fandom I'm most familiar with, but others of that nature would be great as well.
Community: SWS, dear_multiverse, personal journals.
Fandom: Space Cases
Canon: Yes
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Long-cancelled TV show.
PB: Anyone you like!
Contact via: This post or PM.

I know I'm not the only person who remembers this show! I was such a huge geek for Space Cases as a wee kid, and I've had this journal for ages and never really got it off the ground.

I'd love to be able to play Radu against characters from more grownup sci-fi canons, because I feel like Space Cases had all kinds of cool politics and history in the background that couldn't have been explored in a kids' show and it would be fun to play around with that.

Does anyone want to play with an adorable curly-haired teenage starship navigator who isn't Russian? I'm up for anything! (Radu and Chekov could totally be BFFs. Come on.)

[panfandom], [movie]: star trek, [tv show]: star trek, [tv show]: space cases

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