DC is <3

Feb 21, 2012 16:20

Your Muse: Maize Crane/Nightshade
Muse wanted: Jonathan Crane, Ivy, Harley and any other DC'ites who'd like to play.
Community: sws, ssws and personal journals, though, I'd love to find a home for her.
Fandom: DC
Canon: No
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Comics
PB: Since it's comics, feel free to use whomever you'd like. (not that mun has a preference for Cillian for Crane or anything *coughcough*)
Contact via: Here or PM will do.

Yes, I'm aware that canonically speaking, Ivy is sterile. But the Crane/Ivy pairing intrigues me enough that I wondered about a sproutling of theirs. And I could see the pair collaborating on making it so; Ivy promising Crane plants he could use in his experiments and Crane agreeing, as long as he got to be moderately involved in the upbringing of his progeny.

Which makes for a highly intelligent, yet highly unstable kidlet. I'd love to play out parental dynamics, as well as Aunty Harley (Because you know she was ALL over an Ivy spawn). Any other DC kidlets would also be a blast to play with - but please keep in mind that my knowledge of the DC verse is somewhat limited. But hey, that's what Wiki's for, right?

[comics]: dc (misc. titles), [movie]: batman, [comics]: batman

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