(no subject)

Feb 19, 2012 17:42

Your Muse: Deacon Frost
Muse wanted: Quinn, Mercury, Blade, any other canon characters from all three movies, OC vamps or vamps from other fandoms, hunters from other fandoms, basically any muses that would like to play with Deacon
Community: RP in muse journals, sixwordstories, smuttysws, memebells mostly
Fandom: Blade
Canon: Deacon is pre-Blood God, but canon is mixed between all three films to make them all accessible. For example, Scud is currently his familiar. AUs and bendytime all welcome
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Movie, though I'm not against including TV series and Comic, but my knowledge of them is limited.
PB: Up to the muns, as relevant.
Contact via: PM bleed2thebeat or comment here

[movie]: blade

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