I Found This Community and Nearly Died of Happy

Jan 20, 2012 19:49

Your Muse: My muses tend to stick to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. The main ones I use are Wesley, Gunn, Angel, Buffy, Giles, Lilah, and Lindsey. I've tried others (you can look at my journal to see who all I've tried) and I'm open to trying others.
Muse wanted: ANYONE BTVS or Angel, Also love me some Ninth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, and Captain Jack Harkness and Eric from True Blood. EDIT: And Supernatural! Although I don't know it's canon very well.
Community: I have a preference to using Insane Journal (more icons), but we can play here as well. We'd either play directly on journals or I'd make a comm for us to use.
Fandom: BTVS/Angel
Canon: Anytime during the show. I really don't have familiarity with the comics. I'm also way open to AU. Frankly, the more creative we get, the better, in my opinion.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: TV Show
PB: Canon PBs
Contact via:
(PM, comment, ect) Email (lena7623 at gmail dot com)

[tv show]: angel, [tv show]: supernatural, [tv show]: doctor who, [tv show]: buffy the vampire slayer, [tv show]: torchwood, [tv show]: true blood

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