Long shot

Jan 20, 2012 20:19

Your Muse: Lilah Morgan
Muse wanted: Three main people for Klein and Gabler and Lilah's mother

Senior Partners: Margret Klein (Maggie for short used only by close friends)

Howard Gabler,Maggie's partner at Klein and Gabler and close personal friend (this can be used or disregarded by whoever picks them up)

The star lawyer: Leo Callahan

Lilah's Mother: Anastasia Elizabeth (Anna for short) Morgan. I've got some background on her. Anna will be possibly be getting cured of her Alzheimer's like disease.

Community: Untaken Road

Fandom: Angel

Canon: The Senior Partners would be about the same age as Holland Manners. The star lawyer would be close to Lilah's age (mid 30's or late 20's) and they can be a bit over confident maybe. The firm has ties to the mob and some ties to the Powers that Be. The partners and the one star lawyer can have heard of Lilah's reputation. Wolfram and Hart being on her resume will make her all the more wanted by Klein and Gabler, because they like being able to stick it to W&H whenever and however they can, since Wolfram and Hart tends to be hard to beat. Margret Klein &Howard Gabler They started the firm a year or two after they graduated law school.

Leo Callahan: Klein and Gabler’s star lawyer is pretty much Lindsey, except instead of having come from a poor family like Lindsey, he came from money went to all the best schools,which he thinks makes him more entitled to things. He also thinks he's God's gift to women so he's a huge flirt and charmer.
Book, Movie, Game, Other:

PBs: Chris Cooper, Judy Dench, Sam Neil, Matt Boomer, or Mark Paul Gossler
Contact via: Here or PM or aim (Lilahness)

[tv show]: angel

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