
Jan 12, 2012 00:11

Your Muse: Dean Winchester
Muse wanted: Sam Winchester and various Murder House ghosts. Anyone from the genre that wants in. Obviously the Harmon family would be fantastic. Moira as well. Tate. All of them are welcome.
Community: SWS, SSWS and personals. I'm flexible. A comm can be made if it grows.
Fandom: Supernatural and American Horror ( Read more... )

[panfandom], [tv show]: supernatural, [tv show]: american horror story

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huntsthings January 13 2012, 16:11:40 UTC
Okay, this was exactly what I needed to push me into making a Sam journal. I'm totally on board with this if you're still in need of a Sam.

And that video was amazing.


driveeverywhere January 13 2012, 22:58:31 UTC
Yes! Glad to help push people into journals. I do still need a Sammy. He is very much needed. Lots of other AHS people as well.

It's amazing isn't it? So flawless.


huntsthings January 13 2012, 23:46:50 UTC
Awesome! I'd love to be a part of this. Also, I'd be willing to try one/some of the AHS people if you needed them. I've only seen it through once though, so I might have to review some to do them justice.


driveeverywhere January 14 2012, 05:34:22 UTC
Awesome! That'd also be great. I want more interactions with the brothers and the cast like in the video. Just ridiculous stuff happening.


huntsthings January 15 2012, 10:21:41 UTC
I'd love to try Moira, since I think she and Dean could have some really interesting interactions, but I'd have to do some voice testing to make sure I could do her justice. I might be able to pull of Vivienne or Constance as well.

I also just imagined Marcy doing a walk through of the house with the boys and being like "Of course, I'm sure you boys will find your own way of fluffing up the house. I'm sure you're eager to see what it'd look like your own gay... I mean, way."


driveeverywhere January 15 2012, 10:24:56 UTC
Oh the interactions between Moira and Dean would be ridiculous. He'd be constantly hitting on her and then constantly freaked out by her. Sammy would see her as older Moira and Dean with his limited brain would get young Moira. Oh Constance. I want her to pinch Sam's ass or something Dean will just snicker like a child.

I don't know if Dean would try to be a dick and be like "She knows, honey." just to mess with Sam or deny it hardcore. "What? Nooooo! He's my brother. Just my brother."


huntsthings January 15 2012, 10:35:48 UTC
Oh, dear God. I cannot say enough for younger Moira with Dean and older with Sam. Hilarious. And Constance looking for a boy toy in Sam? So wrong/amazing.

LMAO. "Uh-huh. Sure. Oh! Have you ever seen a pasta arm. There's one over here in the kitchen..."


driveeverywhere January 15 2012, 10:39:36 UTC
Dean would just get the biggest kick out of Constance putting the moves on Sam. He'd die laughing if she kept coming over or inviting Sam over to her house. "Go see your cougar, Sammy. Put her to bed at seven! She needs her rest. To see her grandkids."

"What's a friggin' pasta arm?" Dean all grinning. "Do you think it's an actual arm made of pasta cause that would be friggin' cool, dude." I think the ghosts would just get annoyed by those two rather than scared.


huntsthings January 15 2012, 10:50:49 UTC
I just LOL'd so loud over this.

I think you're right. But it would be amazing to watch. Especially when all out war started.


driveeverywhere January 15 2012, 10:55:53 UTC
Those two would be so stumped on how to fix this house. "Why isn't this crap working, Sammy? Chad's creeping me the fuck out. He keeps popping up when I'm in the shower!" I imagine they'd get quite a bit of trouble from those two as well. Or he'd complain that he walked in on Moira in his bed and he almost gave in. He'd get so weak in that house. Sam would constantly be telling him to cut it out.


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