(no subject)

Jan 10, 2012 21:44

Your Muse: Christopher "Chris" Halliwell
Muse wanted: Wyatt Halliwell, Bianca
Community: sws, journals, up for anything!
Fandom: Charmed
Canon: It's...complicated. See inside for details!
Book, Movie, Game, Other: TV
PB: Canon if at all possible.
Contact via: Comment here or PM, please.

Re: characters:
I would really, really love to get a trio going, but in a pinch we could always do two players with the third character being puppeted.

Re: plot:
1. Unchanged timeline. Chris never goes back to the past? Or he does, but then can't get back after Bianca's death when she brings him back to their time? Orrr he goes back, but Wyatt decides to venture back as well?

2. I'm also just up for some random Chris and Wyatt shenanigans. Whether they're fighting demons or fighting with each other, I love their relationship and really want to explore their dynamic.

3. (This is one long ramble. Sorry.) I've had this story idea in my head for a while now, and I think it could make a good RP plot. Basically, it's set in the changed timeline (i.e., the one that's now canon). After a demon learns about Wyatt's former "destiny" and Chris's role in changing it. Said demon decides that getting Wyatt to embrace his destiny is the best way to ingratiate himself with the new Source. The athame Gideon used to stab Chris is in storage at Magic School, but that doesn't prevent the demon from placing a curse on it that, once activated, will cause Chris to start having flashbacks to and reliving that life-that-never-was. It's activated by a touch, which Chris can't resist due to the spell (think Paige being compelled to eat the apple in the S5 fairytale episode). Once he does, however, his mind starts splintering gradually over the next few weeks. He starts having vivid nightmares and hallucinations, then actual memories of a world he never lived in, complete with becoming increasingly paranoid and uncomfortable around Wyatt. Finally, when it gets to the point where Chris hasn't slept in days and is jumping at every noise and shadow, Wyatt orbs him home to force him to tell their parents. Chris ends up in the attic, drawn there for some reason, only to mysteriously get stabbed again just like before. Wyatt and Paige's combined efforts can't heal him, so Wyatt decides to take a different approach by pressuring Piper and Leo into telling him what happened the last time. He puts the pieces together and goes to find the athame, then casts a spell to take him to whoever cast it in the first place. It works, but before the demon tells him how to reverse the curse, he makes Wyatt talk to the seer, who fills him in on his destiny that he was "cheated" out of. Wyatt eventually gets the info he needs to go back and save Chris, but Leo's more than a little disturbed by the fact that Wyatt's using black magic to do so. Wyatt's all, "So? Magic owes us. Black magic did this, black magic can fix it. I'm not just gonna stand by and watch my little brother die, and if you think I'm gonna apologize for doing whatever I have to do to save him, you're crazy." Once Chris is recovering and things around the mansion have begun to settle down, Wyatt lets his curiosity get the best of him and he goes back to the Underworld to find the demon and seer he talked to earlier. He's so not interested, you see. He's just...curious. Honest. But sure enough, slowly but surely, he starts slipping into shadier magic practices. It's up to Chris to save him...or join him.

Yeah, I know, that petered out there at the end, but that's as far as I've gotten. The rest could be figured out as we go along.

[tv show]: charmed

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